NTHSA Annual General Meeting, January 21, 2025
Despite a heavy winter blizzard and treacherous driving conditions, a stalwart group of Nikola Tesla enthusiasts overcame the elements and gathered at Boston Pizza for the Annual General meeting.
President Lillian Beltaos delivered the year in review which consisted of an impressive list of accomplishments, notably a well- attended hybrid and in-person Pi Day celebration, our very popular and successful Nikola Tesla Day at the Telus World of Science-Edmonton, and completion of the ground-breaking MITACS Project identifying the frequency with which Nikola Tesla’s contributions were being acknowledged in science textbooks.
The previous Board was elected by acclamation with the addition of a new Director, Dr. Ruth Ramirez, who joined us virtually from Ontario.
It was also a night of important recognitions. Lydia Emanuel, Vice President, read out the warm letter of thanks from Karlee Lawson, who was the 2024 recipient of the Nikola Tesla Innovation Award at Lakeland College, followed by the presentation of Volunteer of the Year Certificates to two very well-deserving recipients, David Ballantyne and Simon Yewchuk.
We also marked our eighth anniversary as a society with a beautiful cake baked by Elaine Beltaos- Kerr, displaying a clever and artistic representation of the number eight by a coiled figure- eight electrical cord, with similarly decorated cookies by Lydia Emanuel. Everyone enjoyed pizza and refreshments upon the conclusion of business, as well as the opportunity to exchange stories and visit with each other.

Hello Tesla Enthusiasts and Friends,
We celebrated Nikola Tesla Day and are sharing with you just a bit of our fun!....
Happy Birthday Nikola Tesla ! Lillian

Tesla vs. Marconi Radio Patent Dispute PowerPoint Presentation by Lydia Emanuel